At least once a year, an information notes by Lice Doctors Sarasota, FL reaches all parents announcing that lice have been detected at school. From there, measures are started, but why not do it before?
Pediculosis is one of the most prevalent infectious-contagious diseases, especially in children. Although it can exist throughout the year, two peaks are more frequent: summer and autumn. Lice can withstand temperatures of up to 50 degrees, which is why they easily survive regular washing. They are also immune to the chemicals in regular shampoo.
What If The Child Has Lice?
But what happens when the child has lice despite preventive measures? Nits hatch after seven days, giving rise to a nymph that resembles the adult louse but is smaller. The adult stage is reached after about ten days.
The child must be treated from that moment on, considering that an ovicidal and pediculicidal agent that acts on the louse’s nervous system requires two or three different treatments for at least seven days.
On day 0, all lice and eggs will die, except those laid just before treatment and newly-hatched eggs after removal of treatment. On day 7, they will be eliminated with the second treatment.
However, there are times when lice remain even though they are being treated. One of the reasons may be that parents or caregivers have not understood well how to apply the treatment, and it has not been carried out correctly.
Another error can come from the use of the cleat. It is essential to comb lock by lock, preferably with damp hair and a striated barb comb. It must be applied from the roots to the ends and then from the ends to the root of the hair, emphasizing the nape, behind the ears, and at the temples, as these are areas with a higher and more comfortable temperature for lice and nits.
Common Mistakes And Oversights
Finally, the experts from Lice Doctors Sarasota, FL warn about some failures when treating lice, such as not finishing the treatments. If the treatment is not completed, the newly hatched eggs will not be eliminated, and, therefore, the nits and lice will reappear and with them the itching and scratching.
Another mistake is to use products that contain permethrin as prevention since its use is indicated only when there are lice. If there is not and permethrin is applied, we can create resistances.